Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Television Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Television - Essay Example Eventually, this lead to cable TV programming where people actually paid for cable TV to avoid the low quality programming running on the standard television. Satellite TV programming was invented after some decades of cable TV programming. During the cold war era, the first satellite of DirecTV and Dish Network commenced into orbit. This had a high level of quality programming. Without this technology of DirecTV and Dish Network, there would have been no concept of high definition programming in the present era. This is due to the lack of ability and technology for cable programming to provide high definition programming. Therefore the advancements in the television industry were greatly boosted by DirecTV and the Dish Network. Sports programming is being lead by DirecTV and the movies area is being lead by the Dish Network. These two giant TV programming industries have made history in the television industry along with many future unfolds remaining to be revealed (Recent Technological Advancements in Television, 2012). The invention of television has evolved itself from a black and white mode to a color mode with 42 inch plasma screens and sound. The invention of television involves many people and has a long timeline involved but the first person to think about creating something like television was a true innovator. The television history lies with Philo Farnsworth. Philo was an American engineer and thought about transmission of picture when he was only 14 years old. In 1927, he was the first person to invent and transmit an image on television. The image was transmitted on the television via a dissector tube ((Wyckoff, 2008) Furthermore, the invention of mechanical TV was invented in the year 1884 by Paul Nipkow. He developed a technology of rotating disc that allowed pictures to be transmitted over the wire. This was the first ever scanning system in the areas of

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